Educator, Facilitator, Celebrant, Artist:

I am grateful to all of my students, clients and mentors, and to my beloved Family, for their generosity, trust and faith...each one of you an untold inspiration to me. Learning from you and with you, and serving in this field is a deep privilege, and promotes a profoundly meaningful exchange.
Since 1993, I have served as an Educator of massage/bodywork and energy techniques through my private practice, and at accredited schools of massage in California and Washington. My teaching style is predominantly experiential, with supporting lecture, discussion, and dynamic sharing, for we all bring so much life experience to the table together. Additionally, I facilitate an eclectic array of experiential workshops and trainings, ranging from postural awareness/healthful body mechanics in the workplace, to energetic studies, communication skills, to artistic expression and community-building. My experience as a Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant is directly informed by decades of service as an educator and facilitator.
Topics include:
Massage Fundamentals
Chair Massage Technique
Couples' Massage for laypeople
Energetic Awareness workshops
Chakra Studies
Guided Meditation work
Body Mechanics and Wellness in the Workplace
Movement arts: Facilitator of ecstatic/trance-dance states and inner awareness practices.
Conscious Relating Skills, Communication practices.
Theatre arts events: directing staged readings of short stories, poetry, and other works.
Performing vocalist.